Author: Roxi Sharif

Come and bring a friend for a day in the park to help bees, birds, and butterflies and good company!!
Non-native, invasive plants are a major challenge in passive parks where they displace native species and degrade wildlife habitat. The goal for this park is to restore six acres of old field meadows to native grasses and wild flowers.
Volunteers will learn about harmful invasives and about the best tools for their removal. These volunteers will then help with cutting, hand pulling and bagging plants for disposal to control invasives and prevent further spreading. Bring/Wear: Light colored clothing, long pants, long sleeve shirt, boots, socks, hat, work gloves, sunscreen, insect repellent, sunglasses and lunch/water bottle.
WHEN: Saturday, May 19th @10-1pm. Event will be cancelled in case of rain.
Volunteer Service, Carpenter Farm Park, Greenlawn
WHERE: Meet at parking lot, 55 Old Field Rd., Greenlawn, Huntington.
Leader: Julie Sullivan- or (631)662-7135, or visit